Friday, March 23, 2018

Custom memorial plaque for tomb

On a grave, on a hell, or on a columbarium, we see funeral plaques here and there. But what are these plates really for? They allow a priori to concretize his tribute to a loved one, but also to bring out the personality of the deceased through the materials with which they are designed. This can be porcelain, glass, marble, etc.

Function of a funeral plaque

A burial plaque can be seen on a burial vault, tomb or other burial monument. This article provides a final, clear and concrete tribute to someone you care about. It can be designed for individuals or groups. In any case, it helps to preserve the memory of the deceased.
Thus, at the request of his children, parents, friends or colleagues, the funeral plaque includes a quotation, an image, a photograph or an engraving of expression. Apart from the message addressed in honour of the deceased, touching the deepest being of the loved ones, the funeral plaque also plays the role of personalization. The messages or engravings are certainly unique, but the plate can also include the identification of the disappeared. This is the case when engraving on a grave is too expensive or too complicated.

The solution is thus to create a funeral plaque to put on the tombstone. In this case, it must contain compulsory elements such as the surname of the deceased with his date of birth and other. They should be validated with the municipality to ensure their suitability. But it can also concern a collective memorial garden burial monument or the plaque of a cinerary mausoleum. His role also tends to embellish places with beautiful calligraphies and varied forms, in heart, book shape or others.

A glass memorial plaque for cemetery and tombstone.

Presentation and characteristic of a funeral plaque

The funeral plaque is an article intended to resist time as a witness of the passage of the deceased on earth. It must be synonymous with longevity, solidity and adaptability. Thus said, the plate must be able to last and be timeless. It must also be easy to maintain.
All these characters depend on the material with which the funeral plaque is made. At the beginning of its use, it was made of granite. Today, it is made of metal, glass, plexiglass, but also on slate, marble and stone among others. The funeral plaque is classically presented in rectangular or square shape on a predominantly black colour.

However, it can currently be seen in heart shape, like a book or with other designs like a staff with musical notes, trees or butterflies. The traditional black is also surmountable nowadays and some do not hesitate to present it in grey or white. The calligraphy is more varied in size and shades and to display a true personalization, some require a print of the photo of the deceased in metallic inlay or porcelain medallion.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Funerary plaque: how to choose it ?

For many years, a burial has never been able to separate itself from a funeral plaque. Indeed, it is an object that allows the family to pay tribute to its deceased loved one.
For this reason, most of the time there are inscriptions describing a passion, a profession, a family relationship or simply a word of love for the deceased.

But many people are aware that it is not easy to choose a funeral plaque.

Custom memorial plaque

Of course, there is currently a wide range of plates available so that everyone can choose what is right for them, but how will we be able to choose the best element?
What criteria must be considered before choosing the product? These are the questions we certainly ask ourselves when we decide to buy a plaque.
Here are a few tips to help you choose the best funerary plaque to pay tribute to your deceased loved one.

Choose the plaque according to the deceased's personality

Choosing a funeral plaque is far from easy.
However, it is one of the must-see items at a funeral. In other words, plaque is the last mark of a person's life. That said, it must largely correspond to the personality of the deceased.
At the same time, it must also reflect the feelings his or her loved ones have for him or her.
For example, if the deceased is a quiet and respectful person in a small village, it is better to choose a plaque that represents the village or the daily life of the person.

The same is true for other lifestyles. If the person had a particular passion for the sport, it is preferable to choose a funeral plaque that evokes that passion.
For example, if he was passionate about football, you can choose a plaque that highlights a person passing a ball through a nearby net.
And if the person is passionate about music, why not put a favourite musical note or song word on the plaque?

Custom funeral plaque for tomb or grave.

Choose the plate according to price

The choice of the funeral plaque depends to a large extent on the personality of the deceased, but that is not all. In fact, other criteria are also taken into account to choose the right plate. The first thing you should not take lightly is your budget because everything depends on it!
So, before you start looking for a plaque, first define the budget you are going to spend on the plate.
In general, the price depends on the material used: granite, glass, porcelain, marble, stone, Plexiglas, iron, bronze, resin, stainless steel, gold or wood. For some time now, granite has been the most appreciated by many, probably because of its durability. Of course, granite is easy to work with. It also resists weathering and erosion.
In addition to granite, marble is also very popular when one speaks of a funerary plaque. As a result, in the face of these wide choices, each person can freely choose what suits him or her best.
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How to customize a memorial plaque?

A funerary plaque is an object that has been widely used lately to show loved ones' attachment to the person who died.
There are many models. But it is also possible to personalize it according to the character or passion of the deceased.

Ideas for customizing a funeral plaque?

A funeral plaque can be personalized if desired.
It is possible for example to put texts, quotations, poems or even a photo of the deceased.
But for some time now, some people have been personalizing the funeral plaque of their deceased loved one with the passion of the latter.
If he is passionate about football, for example, a football is put on the plate.

Personnalized memorial plaque

Since the burial plaque is the last witness of a person's life, it must symbolize the person's experiences.
And the best way to mark a person's life is to personalize his or her grave from the memorial plaques to honour his or her memory.
They are available in several models, with different styles and designs according to your preferences. We have a lot of choices and we can even choose the personalised funeral plaques.
You can add double words or decoration.
The text is decorated with gold. Then, on a funeral plaque, it is also possible to put a photo of the deceased.
All you have to do is choose the model of the plate that can be adapted to the photo. Finally, it should be noted that a funerary plaque can be placed either on an existing family grave marker, or on a cinerary grave marker or on the common memorial monument of the Garden of Remembrance.
Personalize the decoration of a funerary plaque.

For a person who has lived with simplicity and humility, who loves music and art for example, you can choose a plaque that marks his favourite notes, his favorite quotations or a poem. If the deceased was a fervent Christian during his life, one can mark on his burial plaque a spill of the Bible that he preferred when he was still alive. Indeed, it is very interesting to personalize the funeral plaques to honour the memory of the deceased.

Memorial plaque for graves

This homage is symbolized by writings or initials that represent the personalities of the deceased, his passions and all that makes him happy when he was still in this world.
If the deceased was a fan of sport, motor racing, horse racing or winter sports, you can decorate your grave grave with your favourite sporting activities.
The plate illustration knows no limits. It is possible to decorate it with many elements such as photographs, writing, symbols, etc...
In addition, it is also possible to personalize a funerary plaque from cheap building materials such as marble, granite, stone, bronze, etc...

This gives the plaque a very original and authentic appearance.
Some materials such as granite, marble and resin have weather-resistant properties.
They are not only robust but also very resistant.

Simply find a funeral plaque

The loss of a loved one is not an easy thing.

But to this must also be added the preparation of cremation. Choice of flowers, search for a caterer, preparation of the deceased: you can entrust these steps to relatives or even to a professional company. But the choice of a cheap funeral plaque must be personal. This is the last message your loved one will leave to the world.

A funeral plaque not personalized online

The Internet is your best friend in good times and bad. From now on, you don't have to leave the wake to find a cheap and personalized funeral plaque. There are many providers on the web.
Messages and motives of all kinds and several models at the click of a button: online funeral sales websites are full of ideas. This will allow you to grieve well.  Orders are made in a few clicks. Delivery is as fast as possible. It all depends on which customizations you want to put on the accessory.

Memorial plaque

More than an easy solution, online funeral plaques are also a way to minimize burial expenses. The accessories cost only a few dozen euros. And delivery is free.
For information, funeral plaques can be used on a tomb only in a mausoleum. We must not rely on preconceived ideas. It has become a current tendency to offer the deceased a last message on the plaque off the epitaph placed on the tombstone.

What kind of funeral plaque did you choose?

The hardest part of buying a cheap burial plaque is not to find the vendors, but the ideal model. It is not easy for a grieving heart to make such an important choice.
On the market, several materials can be presented. Wood, granite stone or metal plate: virtual rays are extremely well furnished. However, glassware is still the most popular. They are much more design and easier to maintain.

When it comes to customization, you have the choice of adding motifs or an inscription, or even both. Drawings of heart, flower, house and many others, adages or dates or an expression particularly appreciated by the deceased: you create the plaque entirely. It is even possible to place as a picture frame make a photo frame. It can be that of the deceased, that of an angel or any other angel. Companies use a special printer to guarantee the quality of the plate at all times.
And there is no rule that requires you to choose a standard rectangle plate. Sellers now offer items in oval, round, or even book form, all for the same price.

In all cases, in order to ensure its longevity over the years, take care to clean them every time you visit your loved one. A simple wipe will suffice. And don't forget the flowers that will decorate the tomb.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Best memorial plaques for tomb

Choose a funeral plaque according to its price

The funerary plaque has become an object that can no longer be separated from a tombstone. In fact, it makes it possible to embellish it, but also to pay tribute to the deceased and leave pretty messages.

It is therefore an unavoidable object, nevertheless, it is something that can be described as a bit expensive. In order to meet the needs of everyone, it is now possible to choose between the different models of funeral plaque in order to respect the budget. So here's what it takes to get a cheap funeral plaque.

Choose a funeral plaque according to its price

Determine the price of a funeral plaque

Like everything else, the price of a plaque can vary. This is usually determined according to different characteristics such as material, size, color and customization. In general, a cheap funeral plaque costs from 40 euros to 200 euros, and the most expensive ones vary up to 500 euros. For a plate to be durable, it is important to choose the most durable material model so that it can withstand rain, frost or hail. In order to find the model that meets its criteria at a cost effective price, it is important to make a comparison. It is also important to pay attention to the project you want to realize.

It is precisely for this reason that it is important to call on a professional like a funeral home. At the moment, you can also find cheap funeral plaques on the internet. This makes searching much easier. Of course, you are interested in finding a more attractive price, but you should not forget the essential criteria. You have to take into account above all the quality, the engraving which must be neat, the seriousness of the service provider, and finally the possibilities of action.

Choose the funeral plaque according to its material

The material with which a funeral plaque is made greatly influences its price. Therefore, you must consider them in order to find the most profitable price.

Granite remains at present one of the cheapest funerary plaques that offer both quality and durability in relation to its price. In addition, gold, bronze or silver plates are the expensive ones on the market.

You can also choose material such as marble, porcelain, stone, black glass or clear glass, and finally enamelled lava. The funerary plaque not expensive in Plexiglas as also to have a very important place at present. In fact, besides the fact that it is a resistant material, but also very aesthetic. Nevertheless, its price remains very profitable.

Resins, wood, and stainless steel also make this kind of object possible. It is very possible to find the cheap funeral plaque that fits your needs. However, it is important to consider certain criteria. This way, you can customize it and reduce the cost at the same time.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017



personalize a plaque to honour the memory of a loved one. Various elements can be taken into account and the price varies according to many criteria. Personalizing a memorial plaque or tombstone or cemetery plaque is a very good idea to pay tribute to the deceased. To do this, you must draw your inspiration from the elements to which it is attached. The creation and personalization is done online so that the plate can be reworked by a professional.

Personalizing a memorial plaque or tombstone or cemetery plaque is a very good idea to pay tribute to the deceased. To do this, you must draw your inspiration from the elements to which it is attached. The creation and personalization is done online so that the plate can be reworked by a professional.
Elements for inspiration

The first source of inspiration is the Internet.

 You can search and compare some models to get an image of what you want to create. For example, you can collect 2 or 3 models in order to obtain a new style. But it must correspond to the deceased so that it is indeed an honour for his memory. In this context, it is advisable to find inspiration on the elements that really matter to him/her. For example, using the image of a place of remembrance can be a better idea. Alternatively, you can also draw some tips based on his favorite activities. On the other hand, you will also insert texts. The latter must also be very significant. For example, you can note his favourite quote, the expression he uses most often. Or you can simply write your last tender words, your last thoughts, etc. to him. Note that these different cases concern a human being. A grave plate can also be made for animals. There, you can simply choose a photo with his or her date of birth or arrival at home with his or her date of death.

How and at what price can I personalize a funeral plaque?

Many online sites now offer the possibility to personalize a funeral plaque. Precisely, you are invited to design your own style. You have at your disposal different templates that you can use. In this frame, you have the possibility of inserting images, drawings that could distinguish the cemetery plaque. And of course, you can insert texts whose length depends on the plate shape you have chosen. Once you validate your template, it is sent directly to processing. That is to say, the artist will reproduce your style on granite or glass according to your order. It is also possible to engrave a portrait on the plate. The price varies according to the material, form and elements (images, texts, drawings) that appear on the plaque. But in general, you can have a granite plate from 115 euros and a glass plate from 180 euros. On the other hand, there are also porcelain plates from 74 euros and sticker plates from 95 euros.


Intended mainly to bring an original decoration for a monument in memory of a deceased, the granite memorial plaques also carry a message to pay a final tribute to the deceased. Usually the work of a qualified marble maker, these slabs can be made of marble, stone, etc., or any material unalterable over time. To honour the memory of your deceased loved ones, choose individualized and timeless plaques!

Pay tribute to the dead

To offer a final, vibrant tribute to the memory of a deceased person, consider carefully arranging and arranging the place where he or she is resting in order to show him or her all the affection that is bestowed on him or her. Whether it's a funeral monument or a columbarium, bring a touch of originality to all your loved ones who have left this life. Thus, a cheap funeral plaque can be personalised as desired without being dull or sad.

It can thus give courage to the living and thus remove in their hearts all feelings of bitterness (regrets, remorse) to the thought of the person who has left them. A funerary plaque can also symbolize the hope of a meeting in another much better life and is not forced to cause sadness or melancholy.

Weather-resistant plates

All funeral plaques are made of materials that can withstand the wear and tear of time and weather that can occur. Whether it is the extreme cold, sunburn, hail, windstorms..., they must always be visible and clean, even with little maintenance. The materials selected for a low-cost funerary plaque are white marble, granite, Plexiglas or glass, all of which are noble materials.

In almost all funeral agencies, families can find many different types of funeral plaques or, if they wish, order a custom-made model by choosing the size, colour, shape or material used. In this case, the rate applied depends on the complexity of the model and will be delivered in a free estimate, but a common ground is always possible.

What message to leave?

Messages usually affixed to a funeral plaque consist mainly of sweet little words such as "To Daddy dear","To my beloved son", etc., or messages personalized according to the missing persons. In this case, they may include various motifs such as flowers, hearts, landscapes or even the photograph of the deceased.