Tuesday, December 12, 2017



personalize a plaque to honour the memory of a loved one. Various elements can be taken into account and the price varies according to many criteria. Personalizing a memorial plaque or tombstone or cemetery plaque is a very good idea to pay tribute to the deceased. To do this, you must draw your inspiration from the elements to which it is attached. The creation and personalization is done online so that the plate can be reworked by a professional.

Personalizing a memorial plaque or tombstone or cemetery plaque is a very good idea to pay tribute to the deceased. To do this, you must draw your inspiration from the elements to which it is attached. The creation and personalization is done online so that the plate can be reworked by a professional.
Elements for inspiration

The first source of inspiration is the Internet.

 You can search and compare some models to get an image of what you want to create. For example, you can collect 2 or 3 models in order to obtain a new style. But it must correspond to the deceased so that it is indeed an honour for his memory. In this context, it is advisable to find inspiration on the elements that really matter to him/her. For example, using the image of a place of remembrance can be a better idea. Alternatively, you can also draw some tips based on his favorite activities. On the other hand, you will also insert texts. The latter must also be very significant. For example, you can note his favourite quote, the expression he uses most often. Or you can simply write your last tender words, your last thoughts, etc. to him. Note that these different cases concern a human being. A grave plate can also be made for animals. There, you can simply choose a photo with his or her date of birth or arrival at home with his or her date of death.

How and at what price can I personalize a funeral plaque?

Many online sites now offer the possibility to personalize a funeral plaque. Precisely, you are invited to design your own style. You have at your disposal different templates that you can use. In this frame, you have the possibility of inserting images, drawings that could distinguish the cemetery plaque. And of course, you can insert texts whose length depends on the plate shape you have chosen. Once you validate your template, it is sent directly to processing. That is to say, the artist will reproduce your style on granite or glass according to your order. It is also possible to engrave a portrait on the plate. The price varies according to the material, form and elements (images, texts, drawings) that appear on the plaque. But in general, you can have a granite plate from 115 euros and a glass plate from 180 euros. On the other hand, there are also porcelain plates from 74 euros and sticker plates from 95 euros.


Intended mainly to bring an original decoration for a monument in memory of a deceased, the granite memorial plaques also carry a message to pay a final tribute to the deceased. Usually the work of a qualified marble maker, these slabs can be made of marble, stone, etc., or any material unalterable over time. To honour the memory of your deceased loved ones, choose individualized and timeless plaques!

Pay tribute to the dead

To offer a final, vibrant tribute to the memory of a deceased person, consider carefully arranging and arranging the place where he or she is resting in order to show him or her all the affection that is bestowed on him or her. Whether it's a funeral monument or a columbarium, bring a touch of originality to all your loved ones who have left this life. Thus, a cheap funeral plaque can be personalised as desired without being dull or sad.

It can thus give courage to the living and thus remove in their hearts all feelings of bitterness (regrets, remorse) to the thought of the person who has left them. A funerary plaque can also symbolize the hope of a meeting in another much better life and is not forced to cause sadness or melancholy.

Weather-resistant plates

All funeral plaques are made of materials that can withstand the wear and tear of time and weather that can occur. Whether it is the extreme cold, sunburn, hail, windstorms..., they must always be visible and clean, even with little maintenance. The materials selected for a low-cost funerary plaque are white marble, granite, Plexiglas or glass, all of which are noble materials.

In almost all funeral agencies, families can find many different types of funeral plaques or, if they wish, order a custom-made model by choosing the size, colour, shape or material used. In this case, the rate applied depends on the complexity of the model and will be delivered in a free estimate, but a common ground is always possible.

What message to leave?

Messages usually affixed to a funeral plaque consist mainly of sweet little words such as "To Daddy dear","To my beloved son", etc., or messages personalized according to the missing persons. In this case, they may include various motifs such as flowers, hearts, landscapes or even the photograph of the deceased.

Personalized funerary plaque

A family is made up of its living, but also of its disappeared, they leave unforgettable memories and parts of life in the heart. They are our origins, our stories, which is why many families prefer to erect a symbol to perpetuate the image of the disappeared in memory. The easiest way to do this is to choose a customizable funeral stele.

Why a funerary monument?

Simply to give the living an intimate place to grieve first, and to pay final homage to our deceased loved ones second. Even if the intention is not to worship the dead, it is essential to remember a loved one. The funerary plaque is particularly addressed to the living and if it is necessary to take into account all those who will visit and collect on the monument, it is better to personalize it as much as possible.

And in any case, the style, style, model and personalized decorations depend on the budget and cost of the different funeral agencies. It is best to ask for a free quote from the various service providers or consult an online price comparison.

A final wish

In most cases the family, according to the last wishes of a deceased person, proceeds with the construction of a stele, a funerary monument or any other possible name. The choice was therefore fixed from the very beginning of its conception, to make it stand out from the other buildings bordering the cemetery.

After the funerals, then, families work together to build the funeral edifice to show the public the personality of the deceased and at the same time to show their love for him. A stele will always remain a stele, only the funerary plaque will be personalized. Several models are available from funeral agencies or specialized sites.

Very original or unique memorial plaque and grave plaque

As the cemetery contains many memorials, before designing a custom stele it is important to have a clear idea of its general shape. Whether the family has an idea or not, a professional's benefit is always helpful. He will know better than anyone else how to match the different custom models envisaged according to the budget allocated to construction.

The funerary plaque and its personalization is the responsibility of the families of the disappeared, but the realization of the monument will be reserved for service providers, once an agreement has been reached.

Memorial plaque, grave and tombstone plaques

Choose a grave plaque for cemetery.

A tomb plaque is one of the objects that allows you to pay tribute to the deceased. It is therefore necessary to choose the right one. That is to say, it must be well represented. In order to help you make your choice, we have collected some criteria for you to take into account.

Create or have created?

In order to personalize a funeral plaque, you can create the model you want. Many online platforms now offer you the opportunity to do it yourself. In this context, several funeral motives will be proposed to you. By selecting one of them, you can arrange it as you wish. Then you can also insert photos or drawings to be engraved on the plate. The latter will then be reworked by an artist engraver. In addition, you can also choose a porcelain photo with many possible variations. In this way, you will obtain a cheap and well personalised memorial plaque in a very simple way.

Compare well to have a cheap funeral plaque

Many service providers offer the construction of a cemetery plaque. And in this context, the offers are also varied. Of course, the prices will not be the same for each model, for the different materials and sizes, but each director also offers very different price ranges. So, you should think about taking a little walk to compare if you want to have a cheap funeral plaque. On the other hand, the comparison should not remain at the price level. It would be necessary to be more precise, that is, the price of a material, a shape, the quality of engraving, and many other services. Do not hesitate to check each example, templates that the sites offer you.

Mounting version

This criterion must be taken into account and defined according to your expectations, the grave and your funeral plaque model. There are no specific rules. We just need to determine which model best represents the deceased. The ideal would be to refer you to his requests if he had. Otherwise, it is necessary to know the different versions of fixing that could exist. On this subject, there is the fixing on 2 metal feet which will allow to place the grave plate with great stability.  Alternatively, you can also choose a pierced plate if you want to attach it to a stele or the wall of a church. On the other hand, the plate can also be glued onto polished granite. But it can also be non-perforated and glue-free. These are models to be laid on the ground in a park cemetery or on a cellar-urne.